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4-то тримесечие

2022 Годишен Ъпдейт
Алтерко 2022 Годишен Ъпдейт

3-то тримесечие

Презентация Q3
Алтерко 2022 Q3 Срещи с инвеститори

2-ро тримесечие

Презентация Q2
Алтерко 2022 Q2 Срещи с инвеститори

The distribution of this video in certain jurisdictions is restricted by law. Therefore, it must not be distributed, published, or reproduced (in whole or in part) or disclosed by its recipients to any other person for any purpose, other than with the consent of the Company.

Any information, figures, statistics, analyses and statements contained in this video are intended only for informational purposes. Therefore this video as well as any statements made by the presenters are not and shall not be considered or interpreted as recommendation for sale or purchasing of shares.

1-во тримесечие

Презентация Q1
Алтерко 2022 Q1 Срещи с инвеститори